🚀Outside Support that feels like a inhouse team

IT Support Packages

ThatDigitalGuy offers two main Support Packages, designed to let you work with us the way you want to.

We believe that the quality of our support should speak for itself, so we’ll never tie you into a contract, no matter which option you choose:

Fixed Price Unlimited

Perfect for businesses with a budget for their IT Support & Development, and who don’t want to worry about extra charges when their users need help.

Pay As You Go

Pay As You Go

Great for smaller businesses and individuals, or those who don’t need help often, but need someone reliable to be there when something goes wrong.

Trusted by teams around the world

How would Fixed Price IT Support help my business?

Many small and medium businesses try to avoid calling their IT Support partners through worries about spiralling charges and never-ending support tickets. By changing to a Fixed Price Unlimited IT support agreement from ThatDigitalGuy, you get a known up-front price which covers your users and computers for whatever life may have in store. What’s more, our flexible approach means you can still have regular maintenance visits included, if you want them!

How would Pay as you go IT Support help my business?

Remote, Telephone, and On-Site IT Support, primed and ready for when you need it, but keeping costs down when you don’t!

Ideal for smaller businesses or individuals who don’t have an IT budget, or for larger companies who have their own in-house IT team and just need a bit of help, from time-to-time. We’re there when you need us, ready to offer support and advice, but you keep hold of the reins.


Looking for collaboration for your next project?
Do not hesitate to contact us to say hello.